Helping You Protect Your Home, Family & Business

Glass Protection Security Film
A clear or tinted film in a variety of thicknesses depending on the amount of protection your looking for to help deter & protect you, your family & personal possessions from break-ins. Giving you more peace of mind. What about your business? You put a lot of money & time into your business & you need to protect it. This film provides you 99.9% Protection against harmful UV Rays. Heat Rejection Films available. All films come with a Manufacturers Written Warranty against peeling, bubbling, fading or yellowing, thermal glass breakage & seal failure. Better & More Cost Effective then ugly metal bars, roll down shutters & security screens. Plus you still get to enjoy the view.
Security Film is NOT complete without an Anchoring System
Wet Seal Anchoring System
A Wet Seal / Anchoring System is done by a special anchoring tape or urethane caulk that secures the Security Film to the frame of the window. This gives an immense amount of strength to the security
film so the glass just can't be pushed in after broken. If there is
No Wet Seal or Security Tape you’ve just done the theif a favor. When they break the glass it will keep the whole window together
& they can just push it out of the frame.

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Make Non - Tempered Glass Code Compliant
Older Commercial Buildings tend to not have tempered glass required by code due to when they were built. This is a lot less expensive alternative to changing out all of the glass to tempered glass. Clear & Tinted Available.